Every Nairobian is conversant with the brutal technique used by city thugs to incapacitate victims by strangling them in a move known as ...
Every Nairobian is conversant with the brutal technique used by city thugs to incapacitate victims by strangling them in a move known as
'ngeta' or
'kupigwa tisa'.
Once they incapacitate the victim, they go ahead and rob, then leave them lying on the streets unconscious.
A Tiktoker known as, Truth Watchdog2, has exposed how the city gangs walk around the central business district with the 'ngeta' weapon that is undetected by both patrol cops, club or building security.
"Youths are using these tools on the streets to rob unsuspecting passengers. I will show you how they make it and use it so that you can be aware of the tricks they used," he said.
Adding, "The thugs have discovered that the metallic weapons they were using before can be detected, so they crafted wooden weapons that they can go undetected even at entertainment venues and concerts."
[caption id="attachment_196049" align="aligncenter" width="333"]
Tiktoker Truth Watchdog shows the home made weapon used by street thugs.[/caption]
The contraption that can easily be made at home, can incapacitate anyone despite your level of combat training or strength.
The TikToker cautioned, "Once the thugs get a hold of your neck with this weapon, they cut off any supply of oxygen to your head and you cannot fight them back."
He advised one to have situational awareness and run as fast as possible if one sees someone or a group of people trailing them in an isolated street.
Watch the viral tutorial below.
Here are some reactions by Nairobians to the crime expose.
Paul Machira: Hio kitu hukuwa noma sana... ukipigwa lock huwa huwezi ongea poa for like a week....thanks brathe kwa kutuchanua
user7247423254028: No one is asking ye amejuaje,ama we ni mmoja wao.
Truth Watchdog2: You think this is new? Bro, nilizaliwa ghetto, ughetto uko ndani yangu but that doesn't mean waghetto wote ni what you think of us.
Kimmy_k.a.y: Ukishapeana process yote ya kuitengeneza, si unai-advertise. Vijana wengine wataona wajenge waende kuibia watu...haisaidii sana.
Truth Watchdog2: Kama uko tiktok kujifunza kuibia watu uko na shida na si ya pesa ni ya akili.